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Aflux¢ç 12 combination of fatty acid esters with inorganic carriers - whitish pellets
Aflux¢ç 16 calcium salts of natural fatty acids, mixed with an amide ester was - beige granules
Aflux¢ç 25 blend of isoalkanes and fatty acids - whitish pellets
Aflux¢ç 28E selected blend of fatty acids and esters - light-brown pellets
Aflux¢ç 42 blends of fatty acids, fatty acid esters and fatty alcohols - light brown to brown pellets
Aflux¢ç 42 M blends of fatty acids, fatty acid esters and fatty alcohols - light brown to brown pellets
Aflux¢ç 52 blends of fatty acids, fatty acid esters and fatty alcohols - light brown to brown pellets
Aflux¢ç 54 pentaerythrityltetrastearate - yellowish flakes or powder
Aflux¢ç PE-11 blend of polymer olefin and polyethylene wax - white powder
Aflux¢ç PE-12 polyethylene wax - white pellets/granules
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