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Aktiplast¢ç T combination of zinc salts of higher molecular weight, mainly unsaturated fatty acids - light brown to brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç TC blend of zinc salts of high molecular, mostly unsaturated fatty acid - light yellow to brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç T-60 combination of zinc salts of unsaturated fatty acids with calcium carbonate - light yellow to brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç TX blend of zinc salts of higher molecular weight, mostly unsaturated fatty acids - light yellow to brown flakes
Aktiplast¢ç AP zinc salts of high molecular-weight fatty acids - light brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç PP combination of zinc salts of higher molecular weight, mainly unsaturated fatty acids - light brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç GT combination of zinc salts of both higher and lower molecular weight, mainly unsaturated fatty acids - light brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç GT-M zinc salts of selected, high molecular-weight, mainly saturated fatty acids - light brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç ST blend of hydrocarbons, zinc soaps and fillers - light brown pellets
Aktiplast¢ç combination of zinc salts of unsaturated fatty acids - light brown pellets
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